
Bound for the Promised Land: The Land Promise in God’s Redemptive Plan is unavailable, but you can change that!

Just as the Old Testament book of Genesis begins with creation, where humans live in the presence of their Lord, so the New Testament book of Revelation ends with an even more glorious new creation where all of the redeemed dwell with the Lord and his Christ. The historical development between the beginning and the end is crucial, for the journey from Eden to the new Jerusalem proceeds through...

themes that subsequently unfold throughout the rest of Scripture, which are essentially eschatological themes that reach their terminus in the end—the new heaven and new earth (Rev. 21–22). Crucial to understanding why the canon ends with an Eden-like picture of the eschaton is that Eden is depicted as the prototypical place on earth where God dwells with his people. In short, God’s original creation is the archetype of a
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